LOCATION: Shaw Block, Greenville ME
The Shaw Block is a landmark in downtown Greenville. It was originally built during the summer of 1893 by the Shaw family who were pioneer developers in the Moosehead region.
The Moosehead Gazette in August 1952 wrote that the building "is a tribute to the woodland empire from which the (Shaw family) derived their prosperity.
Two large vaults were incorporated in the structure to house the Guilford Trust Company.
The first floor provided space for various businesses while the upstairs featured a large hall with a stage and proscenium at one end. The third floor was used as a meeting place for the Masons.
and the first motion picture theater in Greenville, operated by Pero Morris.
SCOPE: 3D Capture & Document Mixed Use Building in Greenville ME.
PROCESS: Schedule and coordinate survey work. Create multiple SLAM clouds of entire property. Register clouds to each other to create unified multi source cloud of entire building. Capture 360 Video and Photos. Create control measurements across property. Fly drone convert imagery to 3D LAS Data. Register data to each other. Convert all data to Recap .Utilize data to model entire building Revit.
TECHNOLOGY: SLAM Laser Scanners, Tripod Mounted and Handheld Laser Range Finders. DJII Phantom Drone, ReCap, Revit, GeoSLAM, Cloud Compare. Pix4D, GoPro Max, GoProPlayer. Coffee and more Coffee
#3D #SLAM #LaserScanning #Maine #RealityCapture #DigitalTwin #Waterfront