LOCATION: Princeton, MA
HISTORY: NEADS ("NEADS Inc", formerly known as National Education for Assistance Dog Services and Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans), is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was established in 1976 and has trained over 1,900 Service Dog teams since its founding.
Pointknown donated the majority of its services for this project.
SCOPE: 3D Capture & Document the entire building and include all exterior details.
PROCESS: Schedule and coordinate survey work. Create SLAM cloud of property. Capture 360 Video and Photos. Create control measurements across property. Fly drone convert imagery to 3D LAS Data. Register data to each other. Convert all data to Recap .Utilize data to model entire building Revit and export multiple views and models for use in other platforms.
DELIVERABLE: Revit Model, 3D DWG, 2D DWG Plans and Elevations, SketchUp Model.
TECHNOLOGY: SLAM Laser Scanners, Tripod Mounted and Handheld Laser Range Finders. DJII Phantom Drone, ReCap, Revit, GeoSLAM, Cloud Compare. Pix4D, GoPro Max, GoProPlayer.
#3D #BIM #Revit #NonProfit #Historic #Architecture #LaserScanning #RealityCapture #Renovation #Design #3D