LOCATION: Cambridge, MA
3D Model : Here
HISTORY: Built in 1887 by architects Chamberlin and Whidden for a Harvard University physics instructor. It's a fine example of Neo-Georgian design, mixed with elements from the Colonial Revival & Queen Ann periods.
SIZE: 6,000 (approximate)
SCOPE: 3D Capture & Document Existing Building in Revit
PROCESS: . Create SLAM cloud of entire exterior and interior. Register clouds to each other to create unified cloud of entire building. Photo and Video Document building.
Utilize data to model entire building Revit
Deliver Revit Model / CAD Views / Format and Plot PDF for client review.
TECHNOLOGY: Context Capture, SLAM, Tripod Mounted and Handheld Laser Range Finders. ReCap, Revit, GeoSLAM, Cloud Compare, PKNail