HISTORY: Joseph Carrolo, known as “Rhode Island’s Carousel King,” was an immigrant from Naples, Italy, who began working at Crescent Park at the age of thirteen, sweeping up, picking up the brass rings, and collecting tickets. He eventually owned several carousels in Rhode Island, including one at Oakland Beach and at Lake Nipmuc in Mendon, Massachusetts.
Goddard Memorial State Park, which opened in the late 1920s, became the last home for Carrolo’s carousel. He removed it from Rocky Point following the 1930 season. Relocated to Goddard for the 1931 summer season, the carousel was an instant hit at the new state park.
SCOPE: 3D Capture & Document the entire building and include all exterior details. Include any variations in structure, timber and details.
Looking at the model and photos you can tell the small mast the sits atop the cupola is no longer standing as straight as intended.
PROCESS: Schedule and coordinate survey work. Create SLAM cloud of property. Create and Capture multiple terrestrial scans from Faro Focus and register. Capture 360 Video and Photos. Create control measurements across property. Fly drone convert imagery to 3D LAS Data.
Register data to each other. Convert all data to Recap .Utilize data to model entire building Revit and export multiple views and models for use in other platforms.
Integrate data, create custom Revit families to represent all detail.
DELIVERABLE: Revit Model, AutoCAD exports of selected views.
TECHNOLOGY: SLAM Laser Scanners, Faro Focus Scanner, Tripod Mounted and Handheld Laser Range Finders. DJII Phantom Drone, ReCap, Revit, GeoSLAM, Cloud Compare. Pix4D, GoPro Max, GoProPlayer. Red Bull
#3D #BIM #Revit #Carousel #Historic #Architecture #LaserScanning #RealityCapture #Renovation #Design #3D #Coastal